Saturday, February 26, 2011

Our wind investigation

Haylee and Freya were so proud of their windsocks they couldn't wait to go outside in the wind to see if they worked. They had to hold them up in the wind to see which way the wind was blowing. It was so much fun we had to keep going outside to see if the wind had changed direction. Clever investigation girls. Well done 

Our Fantastic Assembly!

I think I was the proudest teacher on the planet yesterday at assembly. Such brave public speakers presenting their ideas about what they found out about wind during our inquiry learning. They proudly displayed thier windsocks, paper planes and kites they had made during their own investigations and learning. We found out that wind is moving air, that there are 2 kinds of wind a breeze and a hurricane, wind is good for seeds, kites, sail boats, planes, insects and birds. We continue to ask our questions and learn through play and independent investigations. What a busy class!

We love to sing and dance. It was fun singing our song 'I've got a song in my tummy' for everyone to see and smile with us.   

These are our self portraits. We are so proud of them we had to show the whole school.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our caterpillar is changing!!!

We could not believe our eyes when we realised our caterpillar was changing right before our eyes. He wiggled and squiggled until he was completely changed into a beautiful chrysallis. What an amazing thing to witness and lasting only a few minutes!  

Click on the link below to witness the most amazing film footage of the life cycle of a butterfly. It definitely has the wow factor!

Baking Apple Crumble

The wind had blown the apples off the trees. What were we going to do? Eat them fast of course.

We measured, mixed, stirred, smelt different spices, and cooked up an amazing apple crumble dessert to share. Wow It was yummy!!
Of course we had to clean up afterwards.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Learning About Measurement

We are learning about distance. We had a discussion about what buildings we would find in a city. We decided on a school, shop, restaurant, petrol station, a house and a mail box.We made all of our buildings out of lego and placed them together to make a city. We each had either a person to walk around the city or a car. When Laetitia said "Freeze", we all had to stop where we were and talk about how far away from different buidlings our people or cars were. We learnt a lot today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Harold and the Purple Crayon Art

We read the story Harold and the Purple Crayon. Harold liked to walk by the moonlight creating different things with his purple crayon. We were inspired to do the same. We used only purple shapes to make our own pictures and decorated with sparkles. We are very poud of our art work. We learned all about shape, tone, space and balance.

Our Amazing Self Portraits

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Learning about sorting and grouping

We made some more 'sets' or 'groups' of things for maths. We sorted different things in different ways. Sienna said "We had to work hard together to make our sets". Ella said "We had to concentrate to make our sets".

 Laetitia said "Well done Room 2. You are very clever at making groups and working well together."

Meet our class!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meet Fuzzy Bear

Fuzzy is a bear who joins in our class activities. He likes to draw and sit at the table while people are writing or reading. He likes to go home with his friends. We have a diary for Fuzzy bear. People who take fuzzy home can take a photo or draw a picture of the things they do with Fuzzy and write a few sentences. He is a very important class member. He listens really well and gives the best cuddles when we are hurt or sad. We like to read Fuzzies Diary and hear about the things he gets up to.

Our Bubble Dance

We have been investigating how bubbles move in the wind. When you blow air into a bubble it moves wherever the wind goes. We moved like bubbles today. We are learning about moving slowly in pathways that don't make us bump into other people to make our bubble burst. We also made different kinds of bubbles, tall, low, round, and even twisting bubbles. We are creating a new dance about our pod Te hauora which means the first breath. Our bubbles are going to be the first breath in our dance.

Our First Library Visit

The library is a special time to celebrate and explore a variety of books together. We like to share our best stories and discover new ones. We have been learning about how to find a great story in the library and how to get a book out to read at home.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Story writing

Today we discovered some new letters and words. We drew a picture of ourselves and made our very first sentence.


We made some worms today. Some people had long worms and some people had short worms. We compared our worms to see whose was the longest and who had the shortest worm. Sienna had the longest worm and Anise had the shortest worm. We found out that the short worms were fat and the long worms were thin.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our learning stations

Our stations allow us to inquire and develop a curiousity for learning. We have opportunities to practise and experience social skills, self management and apply our learning to independent activities.
Click on this link to view photos of our class in action.