Thursday, March 31, 2011

At Maths Time!!

We have many stations we can choose from at maths time to help our learning all by ourselves

Hayley and Harrison are playing a target game. We throw the bean bags then use a number line and a peg to help us count on from the biggest number.

Ben and Kalan are looking at making patterns that match the cards. We have to look very carefully.

Here we are making two sets and adding them together. Then we write our number sentences.

Rory is learning to write his numbers the write way around.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What if ... there was no wind - EVER?

We asked the question.. 'What would life be like if there was never any wind?' You will be surprised with some of our ideas and our thinking. Some ideas have helped me to understand the science thinking the children now have and where I need to clarify some ideas.

The world wouldn't spin - no wind to blow it around.
There wouldn't be any electricity because the wind wouldn't turn the windmills.
We would die because there would be no air
The trees wouldn't blow
We couldn't fly kites
We can't go hang gliding or parachuting
There would be no waves for the boats or surfers
Sails won't blow

What clever ideas!!!

Our Fabulous Duathlon

Our Duathlon on PhotoPeach

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Floral Art Using Wind

We made wind by blowing air through straws. We blew onto puddles of paint and made spatters of colour which later became a vase of flowers.

Different ways to show a number

We used set mats to show different ways to make a number. Don't they look great!

Making Butter

Last week as we were making our fairy bread we discovered that margarine and butter are different. We talked about how the differences between butter and margarine. We then decided to make our own butter and it was so easy. It was interesting how the cream went from a liquid to lumpy then seperated into a solid and a different kind of liquid. It was yummy too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kerb Drills with Constable Phil

  1. Constable Phil taught us how to Stop, Look and Listen and then decide when to cross the road carefully and safely. We checked for cars when we crossed the road as well as when we walked on the path in case someone was backing out of their driveway.

Making Fairy Bread

Making Fairy Bread

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Making New Friends

There have been nearly 20 new children in our pod this week, all from Christchurch. 150 children have arrived in our school from Christchurch. We meet with the new Room 3 children to share our reading books. It was great to meet some new friends.

Road Safety on our Bikes

Today we pushed our bikes all the way to Kellys Flat to have fun with Constable Phil. We had lots of different stations to try on our bikes such as a slow race, slalom, garage parking and a figure 8. We are all super riders and tried our very best.