Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Listen to the Wind Song

We have been learning so much about the wind. We discovered this awesome song that talks about the seasons and how the wind changes. It has a fantastic cultural twist to it. There is so much discussion you can get from this song. Please listen to it together and talk about how the wind sounds at home and what the wind does. The language describing the wind is fabulous.
Click on this link to take you to the You tube clip
Listen to the wind


Wow Learning has never been so much fun.

For our Kitchen challenge this week we celebrated our learning by making cupcakes. We can now talk about how solids and liquids change with heat and mixing is not only fun but messy. 
Once we made our very own cupcake we had to spread gorgeous coloured icing on top then decorate them. Eating of course was the best part - but what a lot of learning.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pataitai Station Maps

One of the stations we have available at Pataitai time is Maps. We have been having fun making our own maps sequencing different places we visit, drawing them in order and presenting them at sharing time. We set our own learning goals and reflected on how well we did.
This is Emily's map of a bear hunt. You end up in a cave.

Kalan did a pirate map. You start at the pirate ship, go to the dark then trees and then to the gold.

Eve made a map of Christchurch. She had a school and traffic lights on her map! There is also a truck because there are trucks in Christchurch.

Sienna says she is proud of her map. You travel from the house to the river, mud, storm and then to a cave in her bear hunt.

Harry made a map of his house to get to his dad's work because he doesn't really know how to walk there.