Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Noisy Korero

At Korero time we brought along something noisy to help us get some new words called Onomatopoea. We found out that a noise can be written as a word. We liked screech, rattle, tinkle, boom, and rustle. We had a lot of fun and we had some great ideas about things that make a noise.
Noisy Korero on PhotoPeach

Friday, May 27, 2011

Perceptual Motor Programme

An important part of our growth and development is physical co ordination. The Perceptual Motor Programme is a series of exercises that the children complete to develop different areas of our coordination, balance, motor skills and exercise. It is a lot of fun and sometimes challenging - but we love trying new things.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome to E.R.O.

This week Education Review Officers are visiting our school to find out all about our learning. The whole school was involved in performing a powhiri welcome for them. It is a very powerful and exhilerating experience that we were all very proud to be a part of.

Our Environment Up Close.

Patterns and Lines in Nature on PhotoPeach

We have been learning how to take a good photo of patterns and lines in our environment up close. The tricky part was to keep the focus. It has taken many weeks to get these photos with a lot of practise. Next week we will be taking photos of our toys but still thinking about position, lines and backgrounds.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pataitai Stations

Pataitai means to investigate. At our Pataitai Stations we are investigating and finding out new things. We are learning to self manage our choices in learning and experience new things with others. Click on the links on the right hand side of this blog to see a more indepth explanation of Pataitai Stations and some photos that capture our learning. This is updated regularly - so keep an eye out for your child's learning.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maui and the Sun is a popular Maori legend which helps to explain how important the sun is for us in a day. The art was amazing so we made our own sun using pastel and dye. We tried to make our sun rays and face features using koru patterns. What do you think of our work?

Math Sorting

At math stations some people like to sort objects.
It can be tricky because you have to justify why you have put things together.

Once the sorting has been done you take a photo of your work so you can share it and talk to the class about what you found out and how clever you are.

Our Nature Table

We are learning how to take a great photo.


We have been practising taking photos of things on our nature table. Our goal is to try to capture some of nature's amazing patterns. At reflection time we share our photos and talk about how we can make them better. Some of them look fantastic.
This is a rock!

What Makes Night Different from Day?

Our Inquiry learning this term will take us into space.

Organising our Learning

We used a venn diagram to help us sort our learning. We looked at what makes wind good. What makes wind bad? In the middle of our diagram were ideas that had both good and bad things about wind that we couldn't decide on. Around the outside we added facts we found interesting about the wind. What a lot of learning!!!