Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Clever Photos

Click on the comment arrow to hear what we like about our photos.
The name of each child recorded is at the bottom of the photo as you move through the presentation.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Our 'Voki' Stories

After such huge success with our 'Voki' Stories everyone is keen to make one. To prevent our blog becoming cluttered with 18 stories I have made a link to a wiki on the right hand side of the blog. Click on this to take you to our learning zone so you can hear your child's story online using an avatar.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Our Visit to Star Lab

Joshua found out that the stars are still there but the sun is shining so we can't see them.

Aliah found out that the sun is a star.

Charlie found out that when the stars are close together they make a pattern.

Kalan found out that half of the moon is not facing the sun. It is night time on the other side of the world when we have daytime.

Eva found out that the sun is burning off gas.

Holly found out the stars can shine from the sun.

The sun is shining on the stars to make them shine. They are not pointy.

Ty found out that the planet Beetle Juice is going to explode soon.

Ella found out that a constellation is stars at night.

"Space is really dark" said Kalan

Millie found out that the stars on our side of space is called the Milky Way

Monday, June 13, 2011

Eve reads Greedy Cat

Eve read the story 'What does Greedy Cat Like?' into a microphone to record her story. We then made a character called an avatar. Eve made her character and the background then we added her voice. She read her story really well.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Wanaka Primary School celebrated nude food this week. There was a school wide competition to see which class had the least amount of rubbish in their lunch boxes. The winner would get a plater of fruit. WE WON!! One other senior classroom had the same amount of rubbish as us - 4 pieces! Amazing effort mums. Thank you. The fruit was amazing and it took all afternoon to finish it. Every bit of fruit was eaten though.