Wednesday, August 24, 2011


On Wednesdays we have buudy time. Our Year 5 buddies read us stories and spend time with us making or doing different things. Soemtimes we just read to each other but other days we play sports, make craft things, write stories, or investigate something to do with inquiry learning.
Buddy time has proven to be very valuable in assisting in settling new children to school, having more familiar faces to approach in the playground.
Skills we get include security in knowing more people in the playground, respect from others, recognising children as teachers.
Skills the seniors get include practise in introducing themselves to others, how to read to someone else, prepare for a lesson, give clear instructions, communicate effectively, how to socialise appropriately with other children, how to teach and then reflect on their experiences.

It is a very special time in the week that we all value immensely.

1 comment:

Ben Taylor said...

Zavier really enjoys the interaction with the older children and will I am sure get a lot out of this time - sometimes the best teachers can be your older peers (not that I am saying that the teacher's aren't fantastic!) - this also follows on from the Montessori philosophy that he has been exposed to prior to coming to the big school - great idea